David Duke To Head Health & Human Services


JCwire Washington, D.C. **

Today the TTT, the Trump Transition Team, announced the selection of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke to head the Department of Health and Human Services. A TTT official said, “Dr. Duke has decades of experience addressing social issues of the nation. We expect him to bring his clarity of vision to clean up the many problems in this area.”

The move was a surprise, as earlier statements indicated a preference for physician, House Representative, and staunch Obamacare opponent Tom Price. TTT aides indicated that Price, having been in the Georgia Legislature for one decade and a member of Congress for another, was too tied to Washington politics and the Republican establishment. David Duke, on the other hand, had lost elections for the Louisiana Senate, the United States Senate, and Governor of Louisiana. In addition, he had run unsuccessfully in both Democratic and Republican presidential primaries.

“Dr. Duke is not beholden to special interests or political parties,” said the aide. “He can bring the independence and moral certitude necessary to realign the country. He can also make the tough decisions on where to cut civil services in support of our expanded military strength.”

As has become the customary method of communication by the President-Elect, Mr. Trump tweeted in the early morning hours: “David Duke. Great guy. Been a supporter forever. Glad to have him on my team. Go get ’em!”

** fyi, Political Satire, not actual news – though frighteningly close!


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